Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Western India Shipyard Ltd hits another buyer freeze: There is stopping of Oscar Investments Ltd: Godwari Power & Ispat Ltd, the Sunday Report Pick shone today with good appreciation before cooling down a bit: Yes Bank rose today, after the news came that it is eyeing two South Indian Bank for M & A. The stock was recommended to the Paid and Free Group a couple of days back: Computer Point Ltd recommeded to the Paid Groups last month at Rs.4.5 hit 4th consecutive buyer freeze: Keep accumulating Ennore Coke Ltd, Premier Explosives Ltd and Southern Online Bio Technologies Ltd for some wonderful returns going forward: In the next write-up I will explain in details, as to why Dr.Mark Faber was wrong when he says that because US is printing notes the commodity prices are going up. Some simple hints: Dr.Faber why are then Sugar Prices not going up the way crude prices are going up? Dr.Faber which country has the second highest growth rate in the world?? Did you see the difference in cotton output when BT Cotton Seeds started to be sowed in India?? When will you stop fooling the people of third world?? It seems there are no takers for your pessimistic theories in the Developed world!! Please give me your phone number, I will sent it President George Bush. He might consider you to be the next Fed Chief or might sack Dr.Bernanke to induct you and whole world will be saved. White House is really missing you and your "Great Wisdom". I do not know why President Bush did not consider your name for the post of Fed Chief---don't worry, we will press for your Naturalised Citizenship Status in the US; which will pave the way for the post of Fed Chief: Everyone knows why Television Channels bring you, now and then.......!!! Just make a simple disclosure as how much they pay you for making controversial statements on TV Channels, to increase their TRPs:

Left not to withdraw support: A B Bardhan:

But Mr.Bardhan, is it not due to the fact that you will not even get 50% of the Lok Sabha Seats if the elections are held now??

Stop you dirty politics, Indian people have some common sense:

This move is more due to political compulsions and to keep NDA out of power:

Bhubaneswar: CPI General Secretary A B Bardhan on Tuesday said the Left would stick to its ''firm'' stand on the nuclear issue but did not foresee the fall of the UPA government at the Centre. ''The Left parties are not keen to withdraw support from the UPA government but if they (UPA) fall on their own how can we prevent it,'' Bardhan remarked while describing the June 25 meeting on the nuclear deal as ''crucial''. He said the party would stick to its stand on the nuclear deal and oppose any military strategic partnership with the United States, as it was ''contrary to the country's independent foreign policy.'' The CPI leader said his party would consider if the government came forward with any proposal at the meeting and reiterated that the text on the discussion between the IAEA and the Indian government on the nuclear deal must be circulated before the meeting. He said it was decided in the last meeting that the text would be placed before the committee and the findings of the committee would be taken into account before the next meeting. ''Neither the text was circulated nor the committee discussed anything on the text, yet the pressure is mounting and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh seems to be very much insistent, ignoring the fact that the UPA government had made it clear that the findings of the committee would be taken into account before the next meeting,'' Bardhan said. The CPI leader, however, said as regards to the party's stand on the nuclear deal, it did not want anything to happen that would ''strengthen the communal and divisive forces.'' The UPA government, he said, must now focus its attention as to how to address the rising inflation, which had affected the economy of the country. [From Internet]

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