Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Bull’s Parade: But Some Stocks Missed the Memo!

In the world of the stock market, where Sensex and Nifty rhymes to the beats of bullish tunes, it's easy to assume that every scrip in the market must be pirouetting upwards in perfect harmony. But, oh dear!  

Like the Indian monsoons — predictably unpredictable — not all stocks shine in the sunshine of success, even when the indices climb to dizzying new heights.

Just as in every family wedding, there's always that one aunty who sits grumbling in the corner, complaining about the heat, despite the festive mood, similarly, every bull market has its own "aunties"— the underperformers. No matter how high the markets shoots up, a few scrips seem content with being the party poopers.

Take for instance the glittering beacon of bullion, Rajesh Exports Ltd (Rs.289.20) — many would think a company dealing with gold would be soaring up in the sky at jet speed. But, no! It’s more like that distant relative who promises to bring sweets to the function and shows up with….....nothing. Gold might be glistening, and EV stories of companies might be fuelling rallies in Dalal Street, but this stock?

Then there's Infosys Ltd (Rs.1892.35), our IT titan, the pride of the Indian software industry. But even this elephant sometimes forgets to smile. Despite many from the sector booming like never before, Infosys seems to have taken a tea break during the market's march to new highs.

Speaking of heavyweights, ACC Ltd (Rs.2471.20), a name that should cement its place in any bull run, seems to have its feet stuck in quick-drying cement. It’s like the "baraat" procession halted because the horse refused to move!

And Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd (Rs.1838.50), the once - upon - a - time darling of the banking sector — today, it’s like that cousin who got all the attention but now just stays quietly in the background, sulking. Even the RBI might scratch its head at this one.

SAIL (Rs.129.50), the PSU steel behemoth that could’ve steered the ship to glory, seems to have preferred staying anchored in the harbor. Despite the market winds pushing forward, it’s happily waving from the docks, singing We Shall Overcome  in the face of every uptrend.

Then there’s Biocon Ltd (Rs.362.75) the biotech gem. You’d expect miracles here, given the world’s obsession with healthcare these days. But no, it behaves more like a doctor who’s always on vacation, missing every call to action.

So, while Sensex and Nifty may have scaled new peaks, remember, not all stocks are invited to the summit. In this grand Indian market drama, some characters prefer to stay backstage, no matter how loud the applause gets. 

As the markets celebrate their highs, these underperformers seem to be at a different party altogether — one where the music is drab, the food is cold, and the excitement, well, below the threshold level.

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