IVRCL Ltd as expected moved to Rs.14.90 before closing at Rs.14.33. Even Punj Lloyd Ltd moved to Rs.28.70, before falling at the end of the day to close at Rs.27.70. These are the opportunities to pick up these blue chip counters, especially when Rangarajan-headed panel has, in principle, agreed on a formula that will allow road developers in stressed projects to backend majority of their annual premium payable to the government. The government is close to finalizing a bailout package for road developers. Meanwhile, the RBI has allowed holding companies to raise funds through external commercial borrowings under automatic and approval routes, as long as they are for special purpose vehicles formed for an infrastructure project. This is positive for all the infrastructure counters. Besides, a Mumbai (Bombay) based financial weekly writes: Market experts believe that a prospective BJP government will announce policies to lift economic growth and revive stalled projects, especially those in the power sector. In some of his speeches, Narendra Modi has criticized the UPA government for not doing enough to revive stalled power projects, while in others he has called for more investment to revive job creation. Brokers and market experts are speculating about the kind of policies and the sectors that his government will emphasise in their economic plan. Infrastructure, power and capital goods are obvious focus areas. Capital goods stocks are closely linked to changes in investment cycle and signs that a prospective Modi government may focus on them are being regarded favourably. Modi has spoken a lot about reviving stalled projects and brokers are betting on power and infrastructure projects such as roads which are awaiting various clearances. "Infrastructure is the sector which could see immediate change in sentiment whereas capital goods the other sector reeling under lack of confidence will gain in the short term," say Daljeet Kohli, head of research at IndiaNivesh Securities. "An overwhelmingly large number of analysts and investment strategists are now pinning hopes on positive outcome of this political event," he added. It is all raining positives for the infrastructure.
BGR Energy Ltd touched the 2nd target of Rs.126 today, the scrip was repeatedly recommended along with BHEL, around Rs.110-112 and earlier at Rs.117. The outlook for the power sector is improving hence, it is necessary to go full hog in direct power companies, like Reliance Power Ltd (Rs.73.10), NTPC Ltd (Rs.145.45), Jaiprakash Power Ventures Limited (Rs.19.85), etc. My recommended Reliance Power Ltd today rose to Rs.74.60, intra-day. In case of Reliance Power Ltd, GOLDEN CROSS-OVER has already taken place, and it is only time that the scrip would move up to Rs.81-82-87. Meanwhile, there are media reports, that a big relief is on the cards for power companies such as Tata Power, Adani Power, Reliance Power and Essar Power whose plants are in trouble, and their lenders who are worried about loans worth Rs 2 lakh crore to the sector. The government is working out a plan to restructure the loans, extend repayment deadlines by three years and waive penalties, officials said. CLICK HERE.