Thursday, March 01, 2012

Market Mantra
Buy D B Realty Ltd at Rs.78-79, T--Rs.92, SL--Rs.72. Buy all the real estate counters as the rate cut by the RBI  is round the corner. Also, there could be a CRR cut too, like it happened last time.
Buy KSK Energy Ventures Ltd at Rs.71-72, T--Rs.78, SL--Rs.66. I  am very bullish on the power sector too, along with real estate, construction, hotels/leisure clubs,  auto, etc. 
IFCI Ltd recommended around Rs.39.5, only some days back touched Rs.46.10 today. Book some profits in the counter and invest the money in the railway counters mentioned below.
The morning recommendation to the Paid Service members: 
(i) Buy Kernex Micro Systems Ltd Rs.92-93, T-Rs.120, SL--Rs.86. 
(ii) Buy Kalindi Rail Nirman Ltd at Rs.118--119, T--Rs.131--145, SL--Rs.115. With the RAILWAY BUDGET only a few weeks away investors can play with these space.

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